Saturday 24 February 2007


Prostitution is one of the oldest professions around, whether you agree with it or not, it still has the same repercussions today. From the study by Dr. William Sanger during the 19th century found that younger, mostly illiterate girls with no family network became invloved.
In my opinion it is wrong to deliberately set out to deceive anyone in any circumstances, even promising sexual favours and not delivering. It is still prostitution/deception however, I believe it is the solicitation that is illegal in this country. Prostitution is also associated with other deviant activities and visa versa, such as; drug dealing, gambling, fencing stolen goods etc; (Burnham 1998. p171). Although, from a Sociological perspective, according to Emile Durkheim who demonstrated 'rules of sociological method' regarded crime as inevitable, he concidered crime as normal and part of a healthy society. Therefore, a certain amount of 'crime was acknowledged as functional but too little or too much is pathological' (cited in Downes & Rock 1998. pp89-100).

Friday 23 February 2007

To be or not to be BAD (Stokes, Peter J.)

Comment on: To be or not to be BAD (Stokes, Peter J). Hi Peter,

Julie Mills here,

did you want to go to Ludlow castle for the field trip, is that the question?

Your not a Shakespeare fanatic by any chance!

Thursday 22 February 2007

Comment On: Tom's Blog Thingy (Clewer, Thomas)

Hi Tom,

Julie Mills here, thought I would give a bit of chat. The 'Smoking' lecture was I thought good and if that is the standard they are going to help, try not to miss lectures. If I can help, I will but it is virgin ground to me this 'blogging'. Do not forget you can get a copy of the 'Smoking' lecture handout from WOLF.

Just give a whistle ok!

Monday 19 February 2007


The lecture on the 15th February showed us a clip from 'Family Guy', which depicted Lois shoplifting, which is a criminal offence if caught! She was experiencing a rush. The thrill and adrenaline rush of doing it for hell of it, just to see if one can get away with it, is a childish prank. It may seem cynical, but when they do get caught, we then get the tears and they are sorry. However, for those with compulsive disorder syndrome and/or in post natal depression, the act of shoplifting is common, for which I sympathise. In my opinion, it is attention seeking and a cry for help. I've since read most peoples thoughts on this subject and have read the following websites, with the conclusion that it's a multi-million project for business' - you just don't do it! Reference: Crimedoctor.(no date)[Home page] [online]. [15th March 2007].<>.