Thursday 10 May 2007

'Being Bad'

The ultimate blog for the ultimate module, 'Being Bad' for me has certainly been a memorable experience. I'm 43yrs young, a broadminded female and I shall take, build on my mistakes on the assignments (I am learning to refernce better). From the Social Policy/ Social Care aspect, this module has played an important part inconjunction with Philosophy, has given the value asset of an inquiring and open mind. I do not know whether or not the large class size has had an affect on other attitudes, hence it being so negitive but, it was beginning to rub off on me. At times I just did not want to be in the lectures, the majority just did not appear to take the lectures seriously. On a positive note, I thought every lecturer handled the seminars the best they could, they were professional - I salute them and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all. The modules were not too intense, although I will not be continuing with PH2004 yet, it has left me wanting to inquire further into film and literature on particular subjects, especially those I know nothing about.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

'Bad Cinema'

I could not think of a better way to shock the teenage world into thinking more about the situations they are putting themselves. By mixing with the wrong crowd and being drawn into acting a certain way, not necessarily something they actually want to do, can have disastrous repercussions. The film 'Kids'.(1995) Film Directed by Larry Clark. USA, Shining Excalibur Films. depicts New York city delinquents attitudes towards women, booze and song etc. which my be the case throughout the world. The film deals with the ignorance also amongst other issues such as drugs, I think the only issues they didn't deal with was murder! Wikipedia (2007) Kids. Film [online]. updated 2nd May 2007 [10th May 2007]. <>

Tuesday 8 May 2007

'Nasty Comedians'

I think Bernard Manning takes the award for being the nastiest comedian, even if it is just for his racism. Just the sight of him is offensive. He gives the impression that he is a no more than a beer swilling, male chauvanist anyway and if that is the preffered humour in the Manchester area, it is a pity the Hadrian's Wall was not built this side of Manchester. It got to the point that 'his' humour was deemed so offensive, he could only perform in his own 'Embassy Club', where now due to ill health his son compares Bernard Manning (no date) [Home page] [online]. [cited 8th May 2007].<>.

Monday 7 May 2007


I am guilty of putting an odd pound coin on Saturday's lottery and in my first job from leaving school, there was a tote every year for the 'Grand National' horse race. But, as the lecture suggested isn't life a 'chance' and I have a dream of winning the lottery, which is one chance in how many millions? Be realistic. However, Insurances, such as house and car insurances are law though. This is a serious subject when it comes to people making a life project out of it, my dad for one, frightened me when I was a child and my best mates' mother gambled something chronic. Both of us remembered that the front room became a 'betting shop' for the day - the racing channels were on as loud as possible, the room smoke filled, we hated every Saturday. Which actually, people relate this addiction as a disease for those who must have a generic gene for an addiction, because otherwise I just can't understand, why someone would risk all - family etc.
Reference: Gambling. (no date) [Home page] [online]. [7th May 2007].<>.

Sunday 6 May 2007

'Lying with Integrity'

The Red Dwarf clip swung this lecture for me, the clip showed Lister teaching Kryton to lie, without much success, I might add. This put the whole lecture in perspective, as if it is ones' nature, people will lie with integrity and I have witnessed this while at university. I do not know what they believe they are doing, whether they actually think they are achieving anything but, you can tell with their body language, they are really over zealous. I personally think that the majority of us have not necessarily told lies but, not exactly told a friend the truth, when for example, they have gone off at a tangent, not able to get a word in edge ways and you have shooked your head, saying no. There is something fasinating about the philosophy and psychology of lying Best,B.(no date)Some Philosophizing About Lying [online].6th May 2007 [6th May 2007].