Friday 6 April 2007

'Tattoos and body piercing'

Body Modification such as tattoos and body piercings in my opinion can look sexy but in carefully thought of place, tastefully and not obsessively done. As it was mentioned in the lecture, it is no more than anyone having one's hair styled. It is in my mind distinctive of one's nature - it says a lot about that person and gives the impression of deviance, only frowned upon by bigots from yester year. Bring it on! I found this lecture informative, however I could/couldn't stay for the latter part, I was beginning to feel a bit woozy at the thought of what was to come! The following web site readdressed the information, which I actually find interesting, obviously body modification is a cultural thing and it is not just gangland stuff.
Reference: About: Tatoo's and body peircing (no date)[Home page] [online].[22nd March 2007] <>.


Marieeeeeee said...

I totally agree with you here. I love tattoos! I have two myself, but I do feel that it is very easy to get carried away and addicted to it and people should be careful not to end up with a whole body of tattoos! Saying that I do feel it shows a persons individuality and people can express who they are through tattoos. As for people who say "you'll regret them when your older"...No i won't, because they will just remind me of the times I got them done. I also think piercings are fine, if you don't like them you can just take 'em out!

Pragati Rana said...

Yep, i agree, tattoos have to be tastefully done otherwise they don't look right or look too overdone, it's also quite important i think to assert your individuality through it, os i'm for body modifcation; thanx for the website, it's quite interesting, and yes the latter part of the lecture was a bit heady but then i think it was a goo idea to see some of it because it helps us to understand the allur of tattooing and piercing.